FHN projects in the Middle East
Live, old walls!
Father’s House for all Nations has a special calling for the Middle East – for reconciliation, unity and very practical support and help on site.
Fadi Krikor's personal story as the son of an Armenian-Syrian family as well as God's guidance have led to a special focus of our ministry in the Middle East.
The Middle East is the cradle of Christianity. Damascus played an important role in this. 2,000 years ago, Paul had an encounter with the resurrected Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus and began his ministry from there. The first Christian churches arose in the Middle East and the first church fathers worked here. Numerous places still bear witness to the rich history of early Christianity.
Now, 2,000 years later, we see God again pointing his finger at the countries of the Middle East. In the midst of the turmoil that accompanied the so-called “Arab Spring,” in the midst of persecution and suffering, God the Father is revitalizing His Arab Church.
His breath will breathe life back into the dead, withered bones.
We are called to stand together with the Church in the Middle East as Christians of all nations. We believe that Heavenly Father's heart beats for all countries in the Middle East.
We believe that new beauty will emerge from the ashes of destruction, that history that began so blessedly will once again become a blessing that will once again emanate from Damascus.
For this reason, we are building a second FHN center near the “Straight Road” in Damascus, organizing conferences and prayer trips in different countries in the Middle East and support these countries with practical aid projects.
FHN in the Middle East
Um der unfassbaren Not in Syrien und im Nahen Osten zu begegnen, haben wir unterschiedliche Hilfsprojekte ins Leben gerufen. Unter anderem die Gründung von drei Waisenhäusern in Syrien, humanitäre Hilfe für syrische Familien und Flüchtlinge sowie geistliche Unterstützung in Form von Konferenzen und Gebet.
A home for children
In the last 12 years, more than 300,000 children have been orphaned or born from rape at the hands of jihadists and extremist groups.
The atrocities of the civil war robbed children of the peace, hope, a sense of normalcy and a healthy childhood that all children deserve. Clean clothes, education, three balanced meals a day, but above all parental love and emotional stability are the needs that must be met.
In the Aleppo area alone, 85,000 of these orphans are trying to survive in the middle of a post-war zone
- an entire generation broken by the horrors of war.
Our heart is to create a safe environment for these children orphaned by war, a home where they will be clothed, educated, loved, fed and come to know the love of God. These children are the future of Syria, and our hope is to raise them into healthy, responsible and educated adults who will, in turn, rebuild their nation. Helping these orphans means securing the future of Syria.
FHN's goal is to build three orphanages: in Damascus, Homs and Aleppo. Each orphanage will cost $700,000 and house about 100 children, including helpers and teachers. In addition, each child needs about $50 per month for education, clothing, food.

Alleviate the need
Syria's economy, land and people have been hit hard by the atrocities of war over the past 12 years. However, many aid organizations have been unable to fully release their resources or assist on the ground due to sanctions imposed by their home countries. This results in Syria remaining in its current, fractured state.
We want to unite to provide the assistance needed to rebuild the nation of Syria. In our network we connect many different aid organizations so that we can help as effectively as possible.
We are particularly concerned with providing essential assistance to refugees, families and widows. We help with clothing, food, clean water and housing.
In addition, we will also provide widows and their adult children with work skills so that they can look for work again in order to support themselves.
Light in the dark
We have the vision to build a meeting center in Damascus - near the street called “the straight”. Exactly on the street that is told about in the book of Acts.
Here Paul lived in the house of Ananias and from here Christianity spread throughout the world.
We believe that the story that began so blessedly in Damascus will once again become a blessing that will once again come from Damascus.
That's why we're opening a branch of FHN in the historic old town near “Straight Street”.
The “Damascus Lighthouse” is a Christian meeting place with seminars, pastoral care and prayer. The devastation seen today should be replaced with hope, and hopelessness with faith.
Therefore this house should be called “Damascus Lighthouse”. We believe that the Damascus Lighthouse will bring people from many nations together to bring light to Syria.

The long way to unity
Touch the biblical history
Our heartfelt concern is to strengthen and support unity and reconciliation in the Middle East and the common solidarity of Christians of all nations with local Christians. That's why we organize conferences and events that promote precisely this love and unity among each other, such as the Syria Conference.
In Syria we also offer a very special prayer trip: an organized trip around the sights in Syria with biblical significance, including the “House of Ananias” on Straight Street, the Old City of Damascus and the “Krak des Chevaliers” , one of the oldest surviving crusader castles in northwestern Syria.
You can become a part
In addition to the events in the Middle East, we also organize conferences at our location in Germany that have a thematic connection to the Middle East:
The Road to Damascus Conference (R2D) is named for the life-changing moment Paul experienced on the road to Damascus that gifted him with vision, calling, truth and light.
The conference is particularly about the coming together of Christian leaders worldwide, mutual exchange and common prayer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit - He determines the direction.
The Syria Conference focuses on practical spiritual and humanitarian aid for the country of Syria, which is torn by war and crises. At the first Syria Conference in April 2019, ACSA (Advisory Council for Syrian Aid) was launched. This council - consisting of international ministries as well as bishops and pastors from Syria - serves to coordinate practical and spiritual help in Syria and to initiate aid projects.

Winter aid in Syria
The Syrian winter is harsh. After the war and due to strong inflation, there is a lack of everything - but especially essential things such as food or winter clothing. That's why we want to provide people with urgently needed relief supplies. Our team will distribute food, hygiene products and other relief supplies to people in need directly on site. The help is unbureaucratic and direct.
You are welcome to contribute financially to enable the procurement and distribution of these relief supplies.
Thank you very much and God bless you!